God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7
At St Chad’s Church, we seek to be ‘Christ, inside and out.’ Our regular members know that we need to resource that vision, and our church family contribute to our vision in many ways, one of which is financially. (Please look at the rest of our website to see other ways of joining in).
Being a registered charity means that we can benefit from the government’s Gift Aid scheme for any donations from a taxpayer. (If you’re not a taxpayer then we cannot claim Gift Aid). Below are several ways of giving to St. Chad’s, but if you are a taxpayer then please make sure you Gift Aid your giving to make the most out of your money. (We are able to claim back the tax you have paid on your gift – that’s 25p in every £1 which makes a substantial difference to us.)
How you can help to resource the vision:
Regular Giving/One-off donations
To simplify the collection of regular giving, St Chad’s partners with the Parish Giving Scheme who also reclaim any Gift Aid that we are eligible to receive. Gifts are collected by the Parish Giving Scheme by direct debit on the first day of the month.
Setting Up Your Direct Debit Online
To access St Chad’s page on the Parish Giving Scheme website, please click here.
Alternatively, you may access the above page by going to www.parishgiving.org.uk and searching by our parish name, Chadwell Heath St Chad, or our PGS Parish Code, 080608016.
Once there, simply click on the gift type (a choice of boxes above the photo of St Chad’s, either ‘Regular Giving’ or ‘One-Off Gift’) and follow the on-screen prompts to create an account to log in securely. You’ll then be guided through a simple form to provide your personal bank details, the value and frequency of your gift, and confirm whether your gifts will be eligible for Gift Aid. You will also be able to choose whether you would like to increase your gift annually by the rate of inflation, and whether you would prefer to give anonymously.
It only takes a few minutes to complete these steps online. Then, you’ll be able to log in at any time to review your giving and personal details.
See this chart for further help to guide you through the process.
Regular giving is a testimony to our faith and a matter of the heart between God and the individual, but we believe at St Chad’s that together we can make a difference. Being responsible with our finances is just one way we can achieve that.
If you need any help or have any questions, please contact our Churchwarden, Bob Crowther at bob@stchads.church
"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
2 Corinthians 9
Thank you for helping us to be, ‘Christ, inside and out’.