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Christ, Inside and Out

Saint Chad's, Chadwell Heath

Welcome! We are a vibrant church in East London, growing in Christ for Christ.


St Chad's is a multi-ethnic, Bible-centred, community-focused church, where we seek to pray, worship, make friends, and have fun. Why not come along to one of our services on a Sunday and try us out?

Sunday 9am

A traditional, quiet, reflective BCP Service, lasts about 1 hour, includes a short sermon. No children's work provided at this service.

Sunday 10:45am

A lively contemporary service, family orientated, relaxed, and modern in feel. Children/young people are well catered for by our committed and fun-loving kids teams.

This service is live streamed on Facebook (the download of which is added to our Services page by the following Monday).

Wednesday 10am

A spoken mid-week Holy Communion Service on the first and third Wednesday of the month in the Royal Room of our church hall.

Electoral Roll: In 2025, the Church of England requires all churches to wipe their Electoral Roll clean and start again. If you wish to be included on the electoral roll and have been attending St. Chad’s for 6 months, please complete a form available from church or from the church office.
Sunshine Community Café:  Our Sunshine Community Café is still open, but with a limited menu while Debbie is recovering. Why not pop in for coffee and cake, or a sandwich or roll and enjoy some good company? You will be warmly welcomed.

Lighthouse Homegroup - Bible Study and Fellowship:  Every first Tuesday of the month in the Royal Room at 7.30pm, For more details contact Martin Brown - 07780 974120,

Other events coming up: Jumble Sale, Pancake Fundraiser, Ash Wednesday ServiceLent Course and Kids at St Chad's Craft Morning  See our monthly newsletter Chadderbox for more details - February's edition is here and March's edition is here. Also see our Regular Activities page.

Mothers' Day cake sales on Sunday 30th March: we will be holding a cake sale after both services. Please bake a cake if you are able to celebrate our mums—all proceeds will go to church funds.

Shoeboxes: It’s time to start collecting for this year’s shoebox campaign. This is what we will be collecting each month:

March: soaps and flannels
April: toothpaste and toothbrushes
May: colouring pencils, crayons, note book, erasers, pencil sharpeners and pencil cases
June: small toys (balls, cars, dolls, small games etc)
July: sweets
August: soap and flannels and toothpaste
September: teddies and soft toys
October: gloves, hats
November: pencils, crayons, colouring/note books

Please keep your shoeboxes for us too and thank you for supporting this wonderful charity.

Foodbank donations: Our local food bank is in greater need than ever. Please prayerfully consider how you can support your community with donations of non-perishable foods, toiletries and baby items, including nappies of all sizes. Donations can be brought to the church office any weekday (except Thursday) between 10am and 12 noon, or to church on a Sunday. 

The Parish of Chadwell Heath will be 140 years old in 2025!  The Fundraising Team are already discussing events that we can put on in the church to celebrate both the much-improved church and the 140th birthday of the Parish. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of this team, and we will let you know when the next meeting will be.

Easyfundraising: raise funds for St. Chads just by shopping with over 7,000 shops and businesses here. As a welcome bonus, they will pay us £1 for every 10 people who join, so even if you don't think you will shop through them, please sign up anyway!

Volunteers needed: At Sunday services, to help set up or clear away, to do a bible reading, to make refreshments, to do intercessory prayers, and to welcome others in. Volunteers are also needed for MCC and our Sunshine Community Café.

St Chad's Verse for 2025

 “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14


We always need people to help serve tea and coffee after church services, write and read prayers during services, and also to help in the following:


If you are new to our Church Family, please speak to one of the Welcome Team in church or contact the office and they will provide you with a Welcome Pack giving you information about St. Chad’s. We look forward to meeting you!


Contact Debbie on 07757 696952 on Mondays and Fridays between 1 and 4pm or email


God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7

At St Chad’s Church, we seek to be ‘Christ, inside and out.’ Our regular members know that we need to resource that vision, and our church family contribute to our vision in many ways, one of which is financially.


Our parish of Chadwell Heath: St Chad is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). Our Diocese of Chelmsford’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the PSO - Pauline Loomes - who may be contacted through the church office Tel: 020 8597 8076 Email: or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Danielle Law - Tel: 01245 294472  (Weekdays, Office hours) Email: 

If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.


St Chads Church Office
Eric Road
Chadwell Heath
020 8597 8076

Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am and 12 noon. 

Closed Thursday.

Charity Number:  1150077

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