What Should I Expect When I Visit?
The word "church" can conjure up so many images in our mind from old cold buildings, out-of-date music, weird language, and long boring talks. We want to make sure that when you visit us that you will find something that helps you to make better sense of life through:
A friendly welcome
Down to earth messages
Great music
A safe place for you and your children to worship God, make new friends and have fun!
What’s available for my children?
At St. Chad's we have a comprehensive children's programme, staffed by caring teams. There's Crèche for younger children (below Reception age), Luminate (Junior Church) for children from Reception to Year 6, and Elevate for those aged 11-16.
We take the issues of safety and security seriously - all team members are D.B.S. checked. Your children will have fun-filled learning and a chance to make some new friends.
9am – A traditional Book of Common Prayer Service, which is quiet and reflective, with traditional hymns, and an anthem led by our choir. This service lasts about an hour and includes a short sermon. There is no children’s work provided at this service.
At the end of the service there is an opportunity to mix and mingle with those arriving for the 10.45 service, with coffee/tea etc., and the opportunity for prayer ministry
10.45 am – We have a lively contemporary service, which is family orientated, relaxed, and modern in feel. Music is led by our Worship Leader. Our talks make use of modern A/V technology, and children/young people are well catered for by our committed and fun-loving kids teams. We worship together for the first 25 mins before children and young people leave to attend their own groups.
3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Communion.
All-Age – On the 1st Sunday of the month our 10.45 Service is "All-Age Worship" – meaning loud, fun, and fully inclusive.
10 am - A spoken service. Alternates from week to week between Holy Communion in the Royal Room of our church hall, or Morning Prayer in the Prayer Room of our church hall. Please note that there is no Morning Prayer at present, only Holy Communion on the first and third Wednesday of the month.