Sunday 5th November at 3pm
A service of prayer and remembrance for the souls of those who have died.
We will be reading out the names of those whose funerals have taken place in the last few years in which Saint Chad’s has had the privilege to be involved. We will also be pleased to read the names of any loved ones you would like included, regardless of how many years have passed. Either pick up a form in church or call the church office on 020 8597 8076 and speak to Pauline to give her the names.
It is not our intention to awaken painful and difficult memories of your loss, but rather to remind you of the peace, hope and comfort that God promises to give us in, and through sad and difficult times in our lives. The Memorial Service has in the past, proved to be a meaningful occasion for many who attended—we do hope this service is something that you feel able to be a part of and look forward to meeting you again.
The Memorial Service will be of a more traditional style with hymns. The time of 3pm is to enable as many people as possible to be able to attend—especially those who do not like to leave their homes of an evening in the winter months.
With every blessing in Jesus’ precious name.
Revd Martin Court