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Here are pictures and a video of the Easter raffle which was drawn in our lovely new church garden and below is the list of the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners, and a huge thank you to everybody who contributed with prizes and tickets. You have been very generous once again and the raffle has raised over £300 for the church.
1 Pauline Davis
2 Dee
3 Sarah
4 Bob and Lu
5 Dee
6 John Sykes
7 John Sykes
8 Bradley Childs
9 Rosanne Green
10 Julian
11 Joshua (Childs)
12 Joyce
13 Pauline Davis
14 Julian
15 Sue and Pete
16 Belinda
17 Colin and Julie
18 Gina and Andy
19 Iain
20 Iain
21 Sheila
22 Pauline Davis
23 Pauline Davis
24 Priya and Kumar
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