Christ, Inside and Out
Saint Chad's, Chadwell Heath
Welcome! We are a vibrant church in East London, growing in Christ for Christ.
St Chad's is a multi-ethnic, Bible-centred, community-focused church, where we seek to pray, worship, make friends, and have fun. Why not come along to one of our services on a Sunday and try us out?
Sunday 9am
A traditional, quiet, reflective BCP Service, lasts about 1 hour, includes a short sermon. No children's work provided at this service.
Sunday 10:45am
A lively contemporary service, family orientated, relaxed, and modern in feel. Children/young people are well catered for by our committed and fun-loving kids teams.
This service is live streamed on Facebook (the download of which is added to our Services page by the following Monday).
Wednesday 10am
A spoken service, which alternates from week to week between Holy Communion (Royal Room) and Morning Prayer (Prayer Room).
Please note that there is no Morning Prayer at present, only Holy Communion on the first and third Wednesday of the month.
Sunday services and creche are in the hall during the church efurbishment.
Some wonderful news! We hope to be back in the church soon, but there are still lots of jobs to do, in the meantime. Work parties are every Thursday evening from 7-9pm and Saturday mornings from 10am. If you are planning to come to one, please check with the church office that it is going ahead.
​Events coming up: ​We have lots of events coming up our Memorial Service on 3rd November. For more events, see our annual Fundraising Calendar here and download our monthly newsletter Chadderbox for more details. November's edition is here.
New weekly Zoom prayer meeting: Starting on Monday 4th November, there will be a weekly Zoom prayer meeting which will be led by Martin Brown and Martin Court. The Zoom link will be sent out by email prior to the first meeting. If you would like any more details, please see either Martin in church or contact the church office.
New Home Group: For anyone interested in joining, there will be a meeting on 12th November in the Royal Room at 7.30pm.
​​​Our next big fundraising event is our Christmas Market - Saturday 16th November - SAVE THE DATE! We would appreciate help setting up on Friday 15th November from 4.15pm, and to clear up on 16th, from about 2.30pm onwards. We would also appreciate donations for the event, for details see here.
The Parish of Chadwell Heath will be 140 years old in 2025! The Fundraising Team are already discussing events that we can put on in the church to celebrate both the much improved church and the 140th birthday of the Parish. One of the things we are considering is celebrating 140 years of The Proms—also 140 years old next year. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of this team, and we will let you know when the next meeting will be.
Design a new logo: We also would like to have a special church logo to use next year, which incorporates our motto ‘Christ Inside and Out’ and the fact that we are ‘140 years old’. Why not have a go at designing a logo that we can use for our fundraising events next year? The competition is open to everybody and the closing date is 6th December.
Little Chadders: temporarily closed. It will be re-opening in the church, although we are not sure yet when that will be. If you think you might be interested in getting involved when it reopens, please contact the church office.
Confirmation Service: We hope to be able to get a date early next year. If you were planning to be confirmed this year or are interested in being confirmed, please let Pauline at the church office know to put your name on the list.
​Easyfundraising: raise funds for St. Chads just by shopping with over 7,000 shops and businesses here. As a welcome bonus, they will pay us £1 for every 10 people who join, so even if you don't think you will shop through them, please sign up anyway!
Raffle prizes: We would appreciate any raffle prizes you can donate for our fundraising events. Thank you.
Volunteers needed at Sunday services: to help set up or clear away, to do a bible reading, to make refreshments , to do intercessory prayers, to welcome others in.
The Willow Tree Baby Bank: at the High Road Baptist Church are collecting items for children from 0-2 years old.
Foodbank donations: There is a national shortage of donations to foodbanks at the moment. If you are able, please would you consider donating some items; any non-perishable foods, toiletries and baby items. Donations can be brought to the church office any weekday (except Thursday) between 10am and 12 noon, or to church on a Sunday.
​Christmas shoebox collection: In November, we will be collecting any items that will fit in a shoebox and are suitable for children aged 3+ such as toothpaste, soap, flannels, sweets, small toys, teddies, colouring pencils and notebooks.
Find out more about our shoeboxes here.
Christmas blessings: Knitting, crochet and felt patterns can be found at the back of church for this year’s Christmas project, candles. Alternatively, ask the office to email the patterns to you. Wool and felt are also available from church.​
St Chad's Verse for 2024
You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5
We always need people to help serve tea and coffee after church services, write and read prayers during services, and also to help in the following:
If you are new to our Church Family, please speak to one of the Welcome Team in church or contact the office and they will provide you with a Welcome Pack giving you information about St. Chad’s. We look forward to meeting you!
Contact Debbie on 07757 696952 on Mondays and Fridays 10am-1pm, or email
God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7
At St Chad’s Church, we seek to be ‘Christ, inside and out.’ Our regular members know that we need to resource that vision, and our church family contribute to our vision in many ways, one of which is financially.